Day 4: Stay Away, For Your Own Safety


TL/DR: 284.2 pounds, down 8.6. I'll admit it - today was the first day I had two full jars of juice. I'm drinking the juice out of Mason jars because they're 32 oz. and I'm

Day 4: Stay Away, For Your Own Safety2016-10-26T19:04:26+00:00

Day 1: Follow-up


As promised, this is the followup to my post from earlier today. Let's get the embarassing stuff out of the way, first: Weight: 292.8 pounds Neck: 19.25" Chest: 49.5" Stomach: 54" Waist: 47.5" I discovered

Day 1: Follow-up2016-10-26T19:04:26+00:00
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